Garnette Arledge Summer Writing Opportunities
Memoir Writing
Six Tuesdays, June 7 – 28 & July 5 & 12 , 6:30 – 8:30 PM at West Kortright Center
Gather the dreams of your life
Write your memoirs with writing guide Garnette Arledge who provides group support, prompts and feedback. Leave a legacy from your point of view of the 20th century plus as your life unfolded around challenging events of daily life. Telling the story of your life on paper sparks the brain cells and leaves an anchor for your thinking and actions. Course will include information on all methods of publishing; e-books, self-publishing, publishing houses.
For ages 13 to no maximum. $150/$120 WKC Member
Six Thursdays, June 2 - July 7 - Writers in the Mountains (WIM)
6-8 pm at Andes Books, 295 Main Street, Andes, NY - For ages 16 to no max. $75
If Jane Austens' six novels have reaped 145 sequels, prequels and spin-offs, why not try one yourself? Or maybe you have another favorite author ready for your fresh take. I certainly do, since childhood I have rewritten many books in my mind, especially their endiings, to suit my tastes. In this workshop you bring an old favorite in the public domain, and play with your own version. Plot characterization and settings are already in place and believeable. You bring the new twist, different endiing, extra characters and your wild free imagination. Instruction, feed-back and laughter provided by published author Garnette Arledge, journalist, novelist and owner of Andes Books.
Published and award-winning author Garnette Arledge teaches memoir writing to both groups and individuals. She recently moved to Andes and opened Andes Books on Main Street. She is a sponsor of NaNoWriMo, National Novel Writing Month, (when writers pour out 50,000 word first drafts in 30 days). She is currently editing and preparing three of her novels as e-books.
Arledge specializes in interviewing and writing memoirs for families, elders, businesses, communities and organizations with guidance through the publishing process. Three of her non-fiction books were published recently, including, On Angels Eve: on dying well based on her experience as a Hospice Chaplain. Wise Secrets of Aloha : growing up native Hawaiian and Blessings, Hilda. She is currently working on several clients' memoirs. Recent completed works include; growing up on the lower east side; growing up in a German farming village; letters for young children from a dying father, and her own grandmother's stories of the Great Smokey Mountains. Garnette was host and co-producer of “Get Fresh” TV series and has been a frequent guest on radio. Her blog is and you can find her also on Facebook or Linked-in.
Personal, private sessions by appointment, contact me on Facebook messages for details.
By summer Garnette will be working on a 'footprint' spinoff novel based
on a favorite author, now forgotten, whose works need not be.
That sounds like a delightful thing to do. I hope it is a huge success.